A 51-year-old lady (Para 2, Living 2) with history of hysterectomy and left salpingo

A 51-year-old lady (Para 2, Living 2) with history of hysterectomy and left salpingo

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A 68 year old, female presented with complaints of decreased salivation and painless facial swelling (bilateral cheek region)

A 68 year old, female presented with complaints of decreased salivation and painless facial swelling (bilateral cheek region)

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Middle aged woman with a popping sound and pain in left calf while exercising

Middle aged woman with a popping sound and pain in left calf while exercising.

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A 42 year old lady presented with progressive paraparesis

A 42 year old lady presented with progressive paraparesis

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A 37 years old gentleman came with complaints of pain in left groin radiating to thigh for the past 4 months

A 37 years old gentleman came with complaints of pain in left groin radiating to thigh for the past 4 months.

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A 56yrs old lady presented with complaints of altered sensation, numbness and weakness in right inner hand, little and ring fingers for the past 1 month

A 56yrs old lady presented with complaints of altered sensation, numbness and weakness in right inner hand, little and ring fingers for the past 1 month

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A 76 year old male patient presented with history of right sided chest pain for the past two months

A 76 year old male patient presented with history of right sided chest pain for the past two months

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A 29-year-old male came with history of breathlessness

A 29-year-old male came with history of breathlessness

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