26 year old retropositive lady with breathlessness

26 year old retropositive lady with breathlessness

26-year-old retro-positive lady with breathlessness

  • Fig 1-4. Axial inspiratory images. Extensive, bilateral perihilar ground-glass opacities and relative peripheral sparing.
  • Fig 5,6. Coronal inspiratory images. Extensive, bilateral perihilar ground-glass opacities and relative peripheral sparing.


Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia



  1. Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia is common opportunistic infection in immunocompromised patients such as HIV positive.
  2. Imaging Findings on HRCT Chest:
    • Bilateral extensive ground glass opacities with upper lobe predilection. Ground glass opacities may be central with relative peripheral sparing or diffuse with mosaic pattern.
    • With advanced disease, crazy paving or consolidation may develop.
    • Pulmonary cysts of variable size, shape and wall thickness may be present. Nodules may be present.
    • Cysts are associated with spontaneous pneumothorax.
    • Cysts resolve with resolution of infection.


  • Kanne JP, Yandow DR, Meyer CA. Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia: high-resolution CT findings in patients with and without HIV infection. American Journal of Roentgenology. 2012 Jun;198(6):W555-61.

Dr. Deepali Saxena,
DNB, Fellowship Cardiothoracic Imaging (USA)
Lead Cardiac Imaging
Manipal Hospitals Radiology Group.