47-year-old male patient came with history of abdominal pain for 2 days History of trying summersault in the swimming pool, following which the patient developed abdominal pain

47-year-old male patient came with history of abdominal pain for 2 days History of trying summersault in the swimming pool, following which the patient developed abdominal pain

  • 47-year-old male patient came with history of abdominal pain for 2 days History of trying summersault in the swimming pool, following which the patient developed abdominal pain.
  • On examination - diffuse tenderness +
  • CT abdomen and pelvis with contrast  is requested

A. Axial arterial and venous phase images  shows,

  • Spleen is in orthotopic position.
  • large subcapsular and perisplenic hematoma.
  • Complete non enhancement of splenic parenchyma.

B. Sagittal images shows,

  • Twisting of splenic vascular pedicles (whirlpool sign).


  • Splenic torsion causing complete infarction of the orthotopic spleen with splenic rupture.
  • Patient underwent laparoscopic splenectomy and peritoneal lavage.
  • Intraop findings, Engorged and infarcted spleen was twisted clockwise around its pedicle.
  • The spleen was normal in position, located between the stomach and left hemidiaphragm, however, the main splenic ligaments were largely absent.
  • Splenectomy was performed.

Splenic torsion or volvulus  Maybe seen as a complication of wandering spleen due to weakness of  splenic ligaments.
Splenic torsion is uncommon in case of orthotopic spleen.

Clinical presentation:

  • Abdomen pain / mass / discomfort


  • Laxity of splenic ligament may lead to wondering spleen
  • The spleen can be identified anywhere in the abdomen or pelvis  that ultimately result in splenic torsion, congestion, infarction  Or in severe cases splenic rupture.
  • Ligamentous laxity can be congenital or acquired
  • Congenital-  failure of the development of normal splenic suspensory ligaments including lieno-renal and gastro-splenic ligaments.
  • Acquired- pregnancy (high oestrogen) or trauma.


  • Round hypoechoic  solid looking mass in an ectopic or orthotopic location


  • Gold standard
  • Ectopically located spleen
  • Splenic vascular pedicle  will demonstrate whirlpool configuration- pathognomonic
  • Contrast enhanced CT will demonstrate low density spleen with peripheral enhancement or no enhancement
  •  Perisplenic free fluid


  • Open or laparoscopic detorsion and splenopexy is a spleen shaving procedure  that can be performed in case of lack of infarction
  •  In case of splenic infarction-  open or laparoscopic splenectomy.

Dr Vikhyath Shetty
Consultant radiologist
Manipal hospital, Yeshwanthpur, Bengaluru.

Dr .Rahul Karthik
Junior Consultant

Dr. Dhinesh kumar T
Radiology resident
Manipal hospital, Yeshwanthpur, Bengaluru.