Profile Details

Dr. Hemanth Gowda M C
Junior Consultant Radiologist - Manipal Hospitals Radiology Group
- MD Radiology from Gauhati Medical College and Hospital, Guwahati
- DNB Radiodiagnosis(National Board of Examination)
- MBBS from Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute in 2016
PubMed indexed (in review)-Case report on “LIPOSARCOMA OF THE TESTICULAR TUNICS: A PARA TESTICULAR MALIGNANT TUMOR” in Journal of Radiology case reports as first author.
- Non indexed
- Case report on “Incidental finding of intralobar pulmonary sequestration of the lung in 41-year-old adult male” in EJPMR.
Thesis and Presentations:
- Presented poster on liposarcoma of the testicular tunics: a rare paratesticular malignant tumor in Assam state IRIA conference, 2020.
- Presented paper on Role of interventional radiology in low flow vascular malformations by sclerotherpy.” In Assam state IRIA conference, 2020.
- Presented poster on Low flow vascular malformations treated with DSA guided sclerotherapy in Assam state IRIA conference, 2019
- Submitted thesis titled “Role of interventional radiology in low flow vascular malformations by sclerotherpy.”