Profile Details

Dr. Dayananda Sagar G
Senior Consultant Level 1 - Manipal Hospitals Radiology Group
Research and publications
- Gopal, Dayananda, Sunita Gopalan, Prakash Nayak, Anita Nagadi, Shyam Shankar, & Sriram Patwari. “Vesicovaginal reflux as a cause of hydrocolpos in prepubertal females: A radiologist’s perspective.” Pediatric Urology Case Report
- Dayananda Sagar G, Rajesh Lavakumar, Sunita Gopalan, Vidhya Rani R (2017, Jan 23). Gas within the bone Emphysematous Osteomyelitis
- Ahluwalia VV, Dayananda Sagar. G, Narayan S, Gupta A. Intercondylar Ganglion Cyst with Mucoid Degeneration of Posterior Cruciate Ligament of Knee Report of A Rare Case and Review of Literature – Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports.
- Ahluwalia VV, Sagar GD, Singh T, et al. MRI spectrum of CNS tuberculosis. J Indian Acad Clin Med. 2013;14:83–90.
Distinctions, Recognitions, and Awards
- Best article award for the year 2014 from Journal of orthopedic case reports for the case report titled “Intercondylar Ganglion Cyst with Mucoid Degeneration of Posterior Cruciate Ligament of Knee Report of A Rare Case and Review of Literature”
- Best Poster award for poster titled “MR Spectrum of Cortical Dysplasia in Pediatric Intractable epilepsy” at 26th RICON, UP State chapter, Indian Radiological and Imaging Association, Bareilly, India 2012.