Profile Details

Dr. Chanabasappa.V. Chavadi
Senior Consultant Radiologist – Manipal Hospitals Radiology Group
- MBBS- 2002. SDUMC, Kolar. Gold medal in pharmacology.
- DMRD- at Bangalore Medical College. RGUHS (2003-2005).
- DNB- from Diwan Chand Aggarwal center, NBE, New Delhi (2006-2007).
- Since 10 Years working with all modalities with advanced techniques- USG, CT, MRI and Image guided procedures.
- Teleradiology solutions, Bangalore: 2008-2010. Involved in cross section imaging, QA (quality assessment) process, emergency radiology reporting.
- Sagar hospitals, Bangalore: 2011-2013. Fetal imaging, Cardiac CT (128 slice CT), MRI (1.5T) imaging and Image guided procedure. Co-guide for DNB student.
- Kasturba medical college and Manipal hospitals(Corporate hospital), Mangalore: 2013- April 2016. Catering medical college and allied hospital patients for radiology services USG, CT, MRI. Developing lesson plan for post graduate students, Audit process in radiology, Involved in teaching post graduates, Image guided procedures.
- Columbia Asia Hospital Whitefield: May 2016- Till date. Involved in imaging and guided procedures, Fetal medicine, Audit/QA (quality assessment) process. Catering network hospital patients for CT, MRI. Involved in teaching cross section fellows and post graduates.
- Faculty (Guest lecture) at “X radiology CME” on April 2017 contucted at SDM medical college Dharwad.
- Faculty (Guest lecture) in CME- RadioENT CME in 2016 at Columbia Asia hospital Yeshwantpur.
- Faculty (Guest lecture) in CME 2017 at MMC, Mysore
- Faculty (Guest lecture) in CME on Pediatric Neuroradiology- “Imaging in pediatric stroke” held at Father Muller Medical college, Mangalore in Sept 2014.
- Faculty (Guest lecture) in radiology state conference of Indian radiology and imaging association(IRIA) held at Hubli 2014- “Isotropic Imaging in middle and inner ear with MDCT”.
- Faculty (Guest lecture) in CME- Presentation on “Imaging in Neurological disorders” at CME conducted by Family physician’s association of Bangalore in April 2013.
- Faculty (Guest lecture) in National conference- Conducted “Hands-on Pre-Conference workshop Course on Magnetic Resonance Imaging” at 23rd National Conference of Indian association of Oral medicine and Radiology (IAOMR) held on Dec 2011.
- Faculty (Guest lecture) in CME- in “Radiology refresher quiz” at Teleradiology Bangalore in February 2010.
- Faculty (Guest lecture) in State Conference - Presented on “Cardiac CT” at Annual cardiology state conference at Bangalore in 2009 – Conducted by Karnataka chapter of cardiology society of India.
- Faculty (Guest lecture)in CME- In “Second Emergency radiology CME” at Teleradiology Bangalore in October 2009.
- Faculty (Guest lecture) in CME- Conducted Quiz for postgraduates at July 2009 IRIA meet Bangalore. Link-
- “Silent sinus syndrome- a blowout fracture mimic” in Case report in Journal of case reports JCR 2014;4(1):64-67.
- “Hirayama Disease” Case report in Indian journal of neurosurgery IJNS 2014;3:125-7.
- “MRI evaluation of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia: a case report” in Indian Journal of Research and Reports in Medical Sciences. IJRRMS 2014;4(2).
- “Doppler prediction of adverse perinatal outcome in intrauterine growth restriction” Original research article in International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2015 Feb;4(1):119-130.
- “Tuberculous Osteomyelitis of the Scapula- A Case Report”. SEAJCRR. 2015 March-April 4(2):1590-94.
- “Prospective and Retrospective Study of CT Guided Bone Biopsy. Original research article in Indian journal of applied research”. 2015;5(6):441-47.
- “Socio-demographic profile of prostatic diseases in symptomatic patients: a prospective cross-sectional study”. Original research article in International Journal of Advances in Medicine. 2015 May;2(2):138-143.
- “Role of Transrectal ultrasonography and per rectal examination in the evaluation of prostatic disease: A comparative study”. Original research article in International Journal of Biomedical Research 2015; 6(03): 185-188.
- “HRCT with oblique reconstructions in diagnosis and detection of pathologies of the temporal bone in CSOM”. Original research article in International Journal of Biomedical Research 2015; 6(05): 327-330.
- “Thanatophoric dysplasia: Antenatal to postmortem” Journal of scientific society 2015;42(03):210-212.
- “CT in detection and diagnosis of thoracic conditions in symptomatic HIV patients” Original research article in International Journal of Biomedical Research 2015; 6(08): 554-558.
- “Optic Strut and Para-clinoid Region – Assessment by Multi-detector Computed Tomography with Multiplanar and 3 Dimensional Reconstructions” in Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2015 Oct, 9(10): TC06-TC09.
- “Pancreatic Tuberculous abscess mimicking as cystic neoplasm- A rare initial manifestation of AIDS defining illness”. Accepted for publication in Journal of HIV and Human Reproduction.
- “Common Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness Measurement in Cerebral Ischemic Stroke Patients Using Ultrasonography: A Prospective Study.” International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery. 2016 Jul, Vol-5(3): RO19-RO23.
- REF scholar: Secured 2nd place at all India radiology resident’s annual radiology quiz held at Mumbai 2007.
- Contributed interesting cases to “”- An online teaching portal for radiology.
- PET-CT at Shantimukund hospital, New Delhi.
- Neuroradiology at NIMHANS
- Fetal ultrasound programme at Bangalore fetal medicine center, Bangalore.
- Fetal ECHO training at Mediscan Chennai.
- Head and Neck imaging
- Musculoskeletal imaging
- Nonvascular intervention
- Fetal medicine.