Profile Details

Dr. Abhijit Vipul
Consultant Radiologist - Manipal Hospitals Radiology Group
- MBBS (Gold medal and Honours)-MGM Medical College, Ranchi University (2005-2011)
- MD(RADIODIAGNOSIS)-PT.B.D. Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak (2014-2017)
- DNB (Diplomat National Board)- National Board of Examinations, India (2018)
- FRCR 2A (Fellow of Royal College of Radiologist)- 2017
- FRCR 2B (Fellow of Royal College of Radiologist)-2021
- Abhijit Vipul et al.; Sch J Med Case Rep, Oct 2016; 4(10):785-787
- Abhijit Vipul et al. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 06(12): 8640-8642
- Abhijit Vipul et al (2017) 'A Rare Case of Rapunzel Syndrome Causing SmallBowelObstruction', International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 06(12), pp. 8640-8642. DOI:
- Kumar TS, Vipul A, Yadav R. Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Syndrome: A Delayed Diagnosis of an Acquired Variant. J Med Res Innov. 2018;2(2):e000121. DOI: 10.15419/jmri.121
- Color Doppler sonography of the flaccid penis: role in evaluation of erectile dysfunction- A Vipul, J SEN - 2018 - 6. Comparative evaluation of sonography and fetal MRI in prenatal assessment of grosscongenital malformations- A Vipul, J SEN, S JAIN –2018
- Pregnant women and risks of radiation exposure- A Vipul, J SEN -2018
- Posters presented in RSNA 2019, CHICAGO, USA
CSF leak in post pituitary macroadenoma surgery - List of posters presented in KCR 2019, SEOUL, S KOREA
- Role of imaging in the diagnosis of caesarean section scar and cervival ectopic pregnancy:A rare entity
- Imaging spectrum of small bowel and large bowel duplicationcysts
- List of posters presented in ECR 2018, Vienna, Austria
- Comparative evaluation of sonography and fetal MRI in prenatal assessment of grosscongenital malformations
- Pregnant women and risks of radiationexposure
- Color Doppler sonography of the flaccid penis: role in evaluation of erectiledysfunction
- List of posters presented in ECR 2017, Vienna, Austria
To compare the utility of magnetic resonance urography with intravenous urography inthe assessment of urinary tract obstruction - List of other posters presented
- Pseudoachondroplasia: A rare cause of rhizomelic dwarfism
- Trap sequence, A unique complication of monochorionic twins
Oral Presentations:
- 2019 Rare ectopic pregnancy-Case series,KCR,Seoul,S.Korea
- 2018 Pregnant women and risks of radiation exposure, ECR, Vienna, Austria
- 2017 Comparative evaluation of sonography and MRI in scrotal masses, IRIA, Jaipur
- 2016 Radiological evaluation in child abuse, PGIMS, Rohtak
Area of Interest:
- Abdominal imaging and Women imaging